Fstoppers – Photographing the world – Japan with Elia Locardi (Premium)


Fstoppers – Photographing the world – Japan with Elia Locardi

File details overview
Name Details
File Name Fstoppers – Photographing the world – Japan with Elia Locardi
Source https://fstoppers.com/product/photographing-world-japan-elia-locardi
File size 71 GB
Publisher Fstoppers
update and Published 2023

If you want to take your photos to the next level or become a professional landscape photographer, this video series is for you. Join world-renowned photographer Elia Locardi on a trip around Japan in this 14-hour-long tutorial that covers everything involved in capturing and editing world-class travel photography.

As with all of Photographing the World tutorials, Elia starts with relatively simple edits so that you can master the basic fundamental techniques he uses day in and day out. However, with the completion of each lesson, the post-production ramps up in complexity, and Elia dives into more advanced editing techniques and introduces some of his favorite plugins and companion software. While 90% of Elia’s workflow revolves around Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, this tutorial gives you a comprehensive look into Elia’s favorite supplemental software used in creating his final polished images.

photographing the world japan locations

Fstoppers – Photographing the world – Japan with Elia Locardi
Some of the many topics covered in this tutorial include:

Capturing the “blue hour.”
Merging photos to improve focus
Enhancing fall colors
Luminosity masking and selective dodging/burning in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Compound masking in Adobe Lightroom Classic and Adobe Photoshop
Using camera profiles and LUTs
Four-point perspective correction
Combining day and night images
Replacing and blending a sky manually into a photo
Complex focus stacking techniques
Finding the perfect long-exposure compositing and settings
Time blending and advanced layer stacking modes
Smart Objects and using various modes and statistics
Merging a sequence of images to simulate long exposures
Complex object removal using Median stacking modes
Combining multiple camera angles into a single photograph
Using 3rd Party Software: Luminar, Radiant Photo, DxO Pure Raw, Helicon Focus, etc
6 Brand New Beind the Scenes Episodes

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Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

  • Jean1

    September 12, 2023

    Can you update the links?

    • admin2

      September 12, 2023

      Yes please wait 2 to 4 hours we are updating this link

      • Jean3

        September 12, 2023

        Thank you, I really appreciate that

  • Michael Afron4

    September 13, 2023

    Where the link?

    • admin5

      September 13, 2023

      Please wait only 1 hours we are updating download link


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