Udemy Learn Old Time Fiddle For Beginners TUTORiAL (Premium)


Udemy Learn Old Time Fiddle For Beginners

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Udemy Learn Old Time Fiddle For Beginners   Overview

This course is designed to teach students how to play the violin in the old time fiddle (traditional Appalachian) style. When you have finished the course you will be able to play multiple common tunes in a variety of fiddle tunings. You will also know how to take those tunes to jams where you can apply your skills and learn new tunes by ear.

This course includes an introduction section for absolute beginners with lessons on how to tune and restring a violin as well as how to hold a violin and bow. There is another section dedicated to explaining the process of learning old time tunes, tune structure, and resources to access source recordings. Once you have completed the introduction and background sections, the lessons jump straight into learning tunes.

Each lesson section has each tune split into two smaller digestible lessons for beginners. Rather than focusing on tabs or sheet music, you are taught by ear the way many people learned fiddle in the 1800s. After learning a tune, there are play along and backing tracks for students to practice their newfound skills. Play along tracks include a slow speed as well as a regular speed so you can increase the tempo as you improve.

Other topics covered will be alternative tunings, fiddle specific bowings, how to jam with others, and more.

What you’ll learn

•Learn to Play Common Old Time Fiddle Tunes
•Learn to Set Up Your Violin / Fiddle
•Learn How To Jam As A Beginner (Etiquette and Strategies)
•Strategies For Learning Tunes By Ear

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