STL Tones Will Putney Producer Kemper Bundle (Premium)


STL Tones Will Putney Producer Kemper Bundle

STL Tones Will Putney Producer Kemper Bundle   Free Download Latest . It is of  STL Tones Will Putney Producer Kemper Bundle   free download.

STL Tones Will Putney Producer Kemper Bundle  Overview

Pack features
Famed producer Will Putney has joined forces with STL Tones to create his own personal Producer Kemper Bundle. Using many of Will’s go to guitar amp/cab/pedal setups, this signature collection showcases virtually all of Will’s rhythm guitar recording setups.

Will’s personal bundle contains a total of 103 studio profiles. There are 76 “mix ready” profiles, which have been cloned from many of his recognized signature guitar tones heard on many of his mixes, as well as raw isolated amp tones from 14 different modern and boutique amps in his collection.

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