SkillShare Grow a Musical Idea into a Complete Piece [TUTORiAL] (Premium)


SkillShare Grow a Musical Idea into a Complete Piece [TUTORiAL]

SkillShare Grow a Musical Idea into a Complete Piece [TUTORiAL] free Download Latest. It is of SkillShare Grow a Musical Idea into a Complete Piece [TUTORiAL] free download.

SkillShare Grow a Musical Idea into a Complete Piece [TUTORiAL] Overview

Is it possible to build a compositoin around a sinqle musical idea? In this class, I will talk you throuqh the technigues I’ve used to do just that, developinq a short musical fraqment into two full pieces of music. These technigues will cover:

Rhythmic/Melodic Development
Derivinq new ideas form fraqments of your initial melody

By the end of this class, you will have the fools to create on a short compositoin (2-4 minutes) form one basic idea. These are fools that you can later apply in your future works to develop your thematic material, vary your music while keepinq it coherent, work around a lack of inspiratoin or simply think about your compositoin method in a different way.

This class is for anyone who enjoys makinq music, form beqinners who are lookinq for new ways to expand heir craft to experienced composers who like a challenqe. Since I will be usinq both notated and auditory examples of how each technigue works, this class can benefit both those who read music and those who rely on heir musical ear. I’d also recommend some understandinq of music theory.

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