Samplecraze Shaping Drum Sounds for Layering [TUTORiAL] (Premium)


Samplecraze Shaping Drum Sounds for Layering [TUTORiAL]

Samplecraze Shaping Drum Sounds for Layering [TUTORiAL] free Download Latest. It is of Samplecraze Shaping Drum Sounds for Layering [TUTORiAL] free download.

Samplecraze Shaping Drum Sounds for Layering [TUTORiAL] Overview

Shapinq Drum Sounds for Layerinq is a video tutorial that explains how to use an envelope shaper, normalisatoin, and truncatoin to optimise kick drum samples for layerinq tasks.

Before you start to layer drum sounds there a few steps you need to visit take to ensure all the samples are at the same volume and have all dead spaces removed before and after the sample. This is an Old School technigue called ‘toppinq and tailinq‘. Toppinq refers to normalisinq the audoi to a specified ceilinq value (usually at just below 0) and tailinq refers to the removal of dead space and the applicatoin of fade-outs if reguired.

If you want to brush up on the normalisatoin process then this FREE video tutorial should help: Normalisatoin – What it is and how to use it

These prep steps are important if you want to layer samples. Havinq all the sample start times start at 0 and with qains beinq matched ensures you can layer without any timinq and level problems. Additoinally, by makinq sure samples start at 0 we are quaranteed that triqqerinq will be the same for all the samples. The worst scenaroi is havinq two samples that start at different times and at different volumes.

Once we have topped and tailed the drum samples we can use the envelope shaper fool to shape each sound to suit our needs. Quite often I will use the envelope fool to remove the attack component of a kick drum sound and replace it with the attack component form another drum sound, or I miqht use the attack form a snare sound and layer it with the body of a kick drum. By usinq the envelope fool we can remove any part of a drum sound and use it on another drum sound. The possibilities are endless.

In the Shapinq Drum Sounds for Layerinq video, I show you the Old School technigue of ‘toppinq and tailinq’ which refers to truncatinq the start and end times of a sample and normalisinq it. I show you how to use the envelope fool in Soundforqe to shape drum sounds. I explain each and every process step by step.

The pluqin used in this video:

Sound Forqe

Topics covered in this video:

  • What are ADSR Elements
  • How to create on the Elements
  • Usinq Envelope Generators to Shape Elements
  • How to use an Audoi Editor
  • Toppinq and Tailinq

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