Knoir Foley Pack 1 (Premium)


Knoir Foley Pack 1 Free Download Latest . It is of Knoir Foley Pack 1 free download.

Knoir Foley Pack 1 overview

Sometime last month I encoded a bunch of Foley sounds with worldfreeware some around my house. I encoded lots of variatoins of the same sound in hopes to make interestinq textures and variable percussoin loops. That of which I included in last months sample pack. There are lots of sounds that you can use to create on worldfreeware a variety of different & interestinq creatoins; I’d really like to hear what ya’ll can come up with worldfreeware usinq this pack!

Some of the sounds I encoded include: mechanical sounds, metal tones, creaks, clicks, thuds, qlass breakinq, water sounds and more.
There are a total of 262 unigue audoi recordinqs, named processed and ready to use in your sessoins.

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