Intersys Melodic Psy Presets for Serum Vol.1 (Premium)


Intersys Melodic Psy Presets for Serum Vol.1

Intersys Melodic Psy Presets for Serum Vol.1   Free Download Latest . It is of   Intersys Melodic Psy Presets for Serum Vol.1   free download.

Intersys Melodic Psy Presets for Serum Vol.1  Overview

InterSys proudly present – our exclusive and extensive melodic psytrance Serum sound pack.

This pack will give you the right tools to create perfect melodic psytrance, InterSys style.

We put great attention to details, and finalized the presets by adding modulations that will help you make the sounds yours and give them your touch!

•BA PsyFlow
•BA PsyRoller Round
•BA PsyRoller
•BA Stretchy
•FX Bang
•FX Face Banger
•FX Freq
•FX Laser Tag
•FX Laser
•FX Slap
•FX Sweep Bass
•FX Uplifting
•GT Gateway To Heaven
•LD Acid
•LD DistGuitar
•LD DistLead
•LD Drops To Beast
•LD Fast Saw
•LD Future Wave
•LD Happy Hour
•LD Horn
•LD Pure Love
•LD Robotics
•LD SawLow
•LD Screamer
•LD Shine
•LD SpaceReso
•LD SuperSaw Chords
•LD SuperSaw
•LD TBLeader
•LD ThickSync
•LD Trippy Saw
•LD Ufo
•PD Moving Parts
•PD Silky Pad
•PL 7th
•PL Basics
•PL Bells 2
•PL Bells
•PL Drops
•PL Strength

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