IK Multimedia Syntronik 2 Synth-X Sound Content (Premium)


IK Multimedia Syntronik 2 Synth-X Sound Content

IK Multimedia Syntronik 2 Synth-X Sound Content   Free Download Latest . It is of  IK Multimedia Syntronik 2 Synth-X Sound Content      free download.

IK Multimedia Syntronik 2 Synth-X Sound Content   Overview

The king of vintage Italian synthesizers
Synth-X is the latest new synth for Syntronik 2, based on the Elka Synthex, the Italian monster polysynth manufactured in the early ’80s. With its wonderful variety of pads, sweeps, leads and basses, you’ll quickly understand why was and still is a go-to favorite for the world’s most famous synth artists.


Synth-X sounds

Syntronik Synth-X includes a beautiful collection of pads, sweeps, leads, basses and sound effects. And in Syntronik 2, you can easily change the sound source in any of the 4 oscillators to create endless customized variations.

The origin of Synth-X

Probably the most famous Synthex user is Jean Michel Jarre, with his iconic “Laser Harp” sound. It’s preset 46 on the Synthex hardware, if you ever get the chance to play one in person. The Laser Harp is two hard-sync oscillators modulated by a sweep of the pulse width. We’ve included an accurate version of Jean Michel’s sound along with several variations.

The original Synthex used DCOs – digitally controlled oscillators – for its sound generation. 2 oscillators per voice go into a Curtis 3320 multimode filter. Syntronik’s C-Type filter accurately models this Curtis filter response for a great software recreation.

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