FastTrackTutorials – Creating Game-Ready Weapons Using Blender & Substance Painter (Premium)


FastTrackTutorials – Creating Game-Ready Weapons Using Blender & Substance Painter

FastTrackTutorials – Creating Game-Ready Weapons Using Blender & Substance Painter   Free Download Latest . It is of  FastTrackTutorials – Creating Game-Ready Weapons Using Blender & Substance Painter   free download.

FastTrackTutorials – Creating Game-Ready Weapons Using Blender & Substance Painter Overview

Title: FastTrackTutorials – Creating Game-Ready Weapons Using Blender & Substance Painter
Learn how a professional weapon artist works when creating high quality game-ready weapons. In this course you will learn from start to finish how to create a high quality game-ready weapon including everything from ref gathering, Creating High and Low Poly, UV Unwrapping, Baking/Texturing and Rendering.

This course will cover the entire process of creating gam-ready weapons which includes topics like:

• Project planning and gathering references.
• Creating the High Poly version of our weapon & sight
• Creating the Low Poly version of our weapon
• Creating optimized UV’s
• Baking our weapon
• Texturing our weapon
• Final rendering

Creating A Detailed Blockout.
We will go over on how to create a detailed blockout mesh for our weapon which we can later turn into our game-ready model

Creating A High & Low Poly.
We will teach you how to turn a detailed blockout into a High & Low Poly version. The Low-Poly version will later on become our game ready model.

Creating Optimize UV’s & Baking.
We will showcase how to create optimized UV Unwraps along with baking our model form High to Low Poly.

Texturing & Rendering.
Finally we will finish things off by creating photo realistic textures and renders using Substance Painter & Marmoset Toolbag

This game art tutorial is considered an intermediate course and we require students to have familiarity with a 3d Modeling tool and Substance Painter – Everything in this tutorial will be explained in detail but we will not be going over the basics of the software mentioned below.


Marmoset Toolbag 4
Substance Painter
Please note that most techniques used are universal, so they can be replicated in almost any 3D software like Maya & Max.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

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