Blezz Beats Humbox v1.5.3 WIN MAC (Premium)


Blezz Beats Humbox v1.5.3

Blezz Beats Humbox v1.5.3   Free Download Latest . It is of  Blezz Beats Humbox v1.5.3   free download.

Blezz Beats Humbox v1.5.3  Overview

Add some funk to your music without the actual hardware!

Many plugins have attempted to emulate the real physical “voice box” sound by processing audio in a similar way that vocoders do. But let’s be frank – it just doesn’t sound right. Vocodine gets pretty close though!

HumBox is a sample-based VST plugin designed to spice up your productions with the authentic feeling innovated by Roger Troutman that has since spread out through the west coast to the whole world. ​​

HumBox doesn’t shape your words but rather hums along to your music with different articulations.
You can make it sing “nanana”-phrases like “Doo”, “Yeah”, “No”, and “Baby” and add layers of whopping funkafying to your tracks.

To give you some instant gratification there are also some built-in FX on the HumBox panel:

Add some ambiance to your sound and create interesting atmospheres with the Freeze button.

A BPM-timed tremolo to get a stuttering or flailing effect, great for chords.

Widen the sound instantly with the Chorus button.

Crunch it up at the flick of a switch and get that Robot Rock vibe.

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