Coloso – Conquering Perspective in Environment Design (Premium)


Coloso – Conquering Perspective in Environment Design

Coloso – Conquering Perspective in Environment Design   Free Download Latest . It is of  Coloso – Conquering Perspective in Environment Design   free download.

Coloso – Conquering Perspective in Environment Design  Overview

Hey there! I am Luhan Wang, a visual development and concept artist, currently working at Eidos Montreal. Before diving into the video game industry, I worked on a couple of shows for big studios such as Nickelodeon and Netflix. Environment design is a very special form of art for me as they can depict stories and convey emotions on their own. With perspective, we can create a sense of scale, depth, volume, and structure—in short, an illusion of realism for our imaginary universe. My goal is to help aspiring environment artists understand a perspective and the different ways of approaching it- enough so that they can start creating their own worlds.


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