kiloHearts Ultimate & Slate Digital bundle v2.2.5.CE (Premium)


kiloHearts Ultimate & Slate Digital bundle

kiloHearts Ultimate & Slate Digital bundle v2.2.5   Free Download Latest . It is of   kiloHearts Ultimate & Slate Digital bundle v2.2.5   free download.

kiloHearts Ultimate & Slate Digital bundle v2.2.5  Overview

Build your own Modular Synths and Effects
The open modular architecture of the Kilohearts Ecosystem gives you the freedom to design any instrument or effect you can imagine using Phase Plant, Multipass, and Snap Heap. Whether you need something simple and functional or something complex and experimental, you now have all the tools you need. Just imagine the possibilities.
All the Elements you Need
Kilohearts Ultimate includes a huge range of effects which can be used as regular plugins in your DAW or as Snapins to be combined and modulated as you desire in any Snapin Host. Premium Effects are available to buy separately to further bolster your sound design capabilities. Once a preset is saved anyone you share it with will be able to use it regardless of which Snapins they own.

Premium plugins:
* Phase Plant
* Snap Heap
* Multipass
* Disperser
* Faturator
* Carve EQ
* Slice EQ
* Convolver
* Shaper Table
SnapIn plugins:
* 3-Band EQ, Bitcrush, Chorus, Comb Filter, Compressor,
* Delay, Distortion, Dynamics, Ensemble, Filter,
* Flanger, Formant Filter, Frequency Shifter,
* Gain, Gate, Haas, Ladder Filter, Limiter,
* Nonlinear Filter, Phase Distortion, Phaser, Pitch Shifter,
* Resonator, Reverb, Reverser, Ring Mod, Stereo,
* Tape Stop, Trance Gate, Transient Shaper, Shaper
Slate Digital presets for Snap Heap & Multipass
Phase Plant banks:
* Animus by Tom Wolfe
* Astral Beings by Dash Glitch
* Bass Forge by Nasko
* Book of the Dead by Kill the Noise
* Cheat Code by Pegboard Nerds
* Crisis Design by MUST DIE!
* Ephemeris by Venus Theory
* Hardwire by New Loops
* Headline by New Loops
* I’mmortal by Oddiction
* Impossible by Oddiction
* Microwave Proof by Camellia
* New London by New Loops
* On the Floor by AVT
* Polychrome by Andrew Huang
* Suspension by emptyvessel
* Tremor by Arovane
* Candy Milk by Mouse
* Carta by Black Marvin
* Dropdead by Teddy Killerz
* For:Time by p0gman
* Neverland by Letsynthesize
* Outer Space by Sonar Traffic
* This is future punk!!1!! by Agent Method
* Transmission by Black Sun Empire
* Circling by Navi Retlav
* Cirrus by Arovane
* Impulse Control by Navi Retlav
* Luftrum 28 by Luftrum
* EE – Delicious by Expressive E
* EE – Onirica Vol01 by Expressive E
* EE – Onirica Vol02 by Expressive E
* EE – Stripes by Expressive E
* Extended Play by Expressive E
* God Mode by Mr. Bill
* Omen by K/V
* Color Forge by Nasko
* Meltdown by Zardonic
* SFX Pro 9000 by Rebound Sound

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