Study Quest v3.0 (Premium)


Study Quest v3.0


Study Quest v3.0    Free Download Latest . It is of  Study Quest v3.0   free download.

Study Quest v3.0   Overview

We’re brothers who both left our careers as medical doctors to teach learning skills. It sounds crazy, but we did it for a reason: Learning how to learn completely changed our lives. It has made us better students, doctors, creators, entrepreneurs, and educators. This is why we’ve made it our mission to share our learning skills with as many people as possible.

We started off as your average Asian kids growing up in California. Our tiger mom sent us to karate, piano lessons, and Kumon (the usual).

Life was all about getting good grades. No dating, no sports (unless you get a scholarship), and of course always being compared to our amazing cousin.

We did good in school, but it took a lot of motivation, and every day felt like a drag.


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