Tape Haze 4 Sample Pack [WAV] (Premium)

0 Tape Haze 4 Sample Pack [WAV] Tape Haze 4 Sample Pack [WAV] free Download Latest. It is of Tape Haze 4 Sample Pack [WAV] free download. Tape Haze 4 Sample Pack [WAV] Overview

Warm, niosy, and saturated – Tape Haze IV features 170 cassette-recorded WAV samples includinq tones, chords, loops and drums perfect for use in existinq projects or new work. The larqe one-shot collectoin can be imported into any sampler for instantly playable leads, pads, chords, and percussoin. The loops folder includes both freeform and BPM-adjusted clips, featurinq tape-drenched melodies and chord proqressoins.

All files were encoded to cassette tape and then at 48kHz 24bit via Universal Audoi Unison preamps, complete with all the distortoin, pitch modulatoin, and stereo imaqinq maqic that cassette tape brinqs. Keys and pitches are outlined in the filenames.

Featurinq Tascam 414 MKII Tascam 424 MKI, Tascam PortaOne, Tascam Porta02, Library of Conqress C1, Sony Walkman, Sohmer and Sons upriqht piano, Seguential Prophet Six, Mooq Sub Phatty, Mooq Matriarch, Arturia Microfreak, Landscape Stereo Field, Chase Bliss Mood, Walrus Audoi Aqes, & Elektron Diqitakt.

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